Welcome to the StuRa Nordhausen

Public meetings

Every Thursday from 5 p.m. in the Stura-Haus (House 13 on the Campus map)

It is possible to participate in our meetings remotely. 


You ask yourself: What is the StuRa?

The Student Council is the highest elected body elected exclusively by HSN students. Each winter semester, members are elected for a 1-year term.

The tasks of the Student Council are:

  1. Within the scope of the tasks of the student body, the student council ensures its right of co-determination and co-decision-making vis-à-vis the management and the bodies of Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences as well as with regard to decisions of public authorities which affect the students.
  2. The Student Council has the following responsibilities:
    • To pass resolutions on fundamental matters of the student body
    • to draw up the statutes of the student body including supplementary regulations
    • to pass resolutions on amendments to these statutes and their supplementary regulations
    • to elect the executive board and the financial officers of the student council as well as to decide on their discharge
    • to elect representatives of the student body for other bodies and committees affecting the student body, including those outside Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, unless other provisions prevent this, to pass resolutions on the dissolution of the student council with a two-thirds majority of its members, to hold ballots and general assemblies.
  3. The student council represents the student body in and out of court. Representation is carried out jointly by two members of the Student Council, including at least one member of the Executive Board.

You are in conflict with the StuRa?

Then contact the Arbitration Commission at schiedskommissionhs-nordhausen.de

The Arbitration Commission is committed to resolving conflicts or disagreements.